

Software Engineer

Why i have a lot of unused domains

Jul 10, 2016
I have to admit that got seduced by the dreams of the startup. The flow is always like this: Suddenly have an (maybe) great idea, then think about how it works (how the service / app will do) how the UI look etc. But in the end i kinda too lazy to code it (a lot of excussed / no time / etc. Finaly i ended with many unused domain

Solve Sudoku using Recursion in C

Mar 12, 2016
Based on the tutorial on [geeks for geeks website] (http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/backtracking-set-7-suduku/ ) i created a C version for that Sudoku Solution

Docker eval issue

Jan 8, 2016
After i followed the Docker installation step on my mac, start the Docker Quickstart Terminal app, and try to run the hello-world app, it will show an error that say it cannot connect to the Docker daemon as shown below: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host? Reinstalling Docker using the installer on the docker website didn’t fix this issue After i googled around this issue, it seems this issue is caused by the docker-machine environment variable is not properly set with the running vm.

Cross compile golang

Jan 6, 2016
Since version 1.5 it has been easier to generate Go binary for another System. Just use go build (dont use go install) with GOOS, GOARCH, and GOARM (for ARM based system) for example generate main.go binary for freebsd/amd64: GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 go build main.go and for generate android binary: GOOS=android GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build . for list of supported GOOS and GOARCH please visit the official golang environment documentation

Recycler Parallax

Nov 15, 2015
Recycler Parallax is an android code example that show parallax effect on a recycler view for each item when it is scrolled, this library is inspired by soundcloud android app. Steps that i use to achieve the parallax event: Set the image matrix to center vertically, using RecyclerView Adapter onBindViewHolder method. Reset the image matrix on RecyclerView Adapter on method onViewRecycled. Handle the scroll movement by using the RecyclerView onScrollListener.

iOS set root view controller wont call viewDidDissapear

Nov 13, 2015
I noted some behaviour when performing set a root view controller on iOS. Strangely it wont call the viewDidDissapear method on the viewController that are set the root view controller. Always please remember to manually unregister all notification of the viewController before performing a set root view controller, or you gonna have to handle multiple notification

Rise of browser based app

May 1, 2015
The release of atom Editor and followed with the release of facebook’s Nuclide and also the new Visual Studio Code made me think that Browser based app is a very powerful platform, who knows maybe next time a true native office suite app, or a multimedia app could build based on that, since Nuclide and Visual Studio Code is an IDE that have tons of functionality.

Hello World

Apr 19, 2015
It always begin with a Hello World