Buck build system for iOS Tutorial

Jul 9, 2017 10:05 ยท 197 words ยท 1 minute read

Buck is a build system created by facebook and it is also used by Uber and Airbnb to increase their productivity by speed up the Build Time.

Installation ๐Ÿ”—

Buck can be installed on mac using homebrew

brew tap facebook/fb
brew install buck

Setup Buck for the ios app ๐Ÿ”—

To use Buck for iOS put the .buckconfig and BUCK file in the ios root project, from the gist below (please note “Palmerah” is an Swift iOS project that using Buck, please adjust the folder name and file)

To adjust xcode properly with buck, go to root folder and type

buck project --ide xcode

Build / Run app using Buck ๐Ÿ”—

To build the app, go to the xcode project root folder and type

buck build :App

To build the app and run it on the simulator, go to the xcode project root folder and type

buck install --run :App

Happy Buck-ing

Reference: ๐Ÿ”—



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